I’m a people pleaser. I always have been. And I think, though certainly to different degrees, we all are. We want to make someone proud, happy or perhaps impressed. We want to be admired, looked up to and respected. We crave an image of ourselves and we work hard to paint it. Who we…
Florida: In-between the Trees
You can’t really call a day and a half a vacation, but you can call it an adventure. When I put this post on my blog calendar it was actually going to be titled “In-between the Waves,” but after we got home I realized we didn’t even do the whole beach thing. All of my…
An Interview with Traveler, Yoga Instructor and ESL Teacher: Raychelle Heath
I always love it when a friend points someone my way because they make a good interview candidate. My long-time friend and In-between contributor, Madison, told me she’d met someone she knew had some great stories to tell. She then introduced us over email. I’m in awe that technology provides us with ways to meet…
It’s Okay To Be… {Weary}
Do you ever feel like you jump into something wholeheartedly, but once you’re in the thick of it all you can think is, “WHEN WILL THIS BE OVER?!” You started the race focused on and enthusiastic about your goal, but you become tired, weary. Where’s the finish line? I ran cross country and track and…