While working at Gearhead Outfitters, we outfitted many people for all kinds of adventures. A few weeks ago, a couple came into the store to talk about the things they were needing in order to hike the Appalachian Trail next year. Cue Jackson. Jackson spent a good bit of time talking with the couple about his experience on the AT and recommendations for gear. Then, to my delight, he told them about the blog and asked for an interview to chat adventure and travel inspiration.

Carlie and Brady London have traveled all over the world, run their own travel blog (Happy Go Londons), and are currently remodeling their home in order to sell it and make some money before heading to hike the AT.

Nerdy wedding combining Harry Potter and Star Wars.
“We are a lot of things and one of them is nerdy – I (Carlie) love Harry Potter and Brady loves Star Wars, so naturally, we had to take a wedding photo like this!”(April 22, 2017 – Earth Day)
New Zealand Honeymoon; Mount Sunday.
” The first day in New Zealand (on our honeymoon) we made the trek to Mount Sunday, also known as the filming location for Edoras in Lord of the Rings! Again, huge nerds! But also, the LOTR films are so beautiful, how could you not want to explore where they were filmed?! We had a horrible experience getting to NZ and I (Carlie) had busted my face in the Dallas airport so my eyes are all dark and my nose is cut up. But, you take what you are given and you don’t let the worst travel experience stop you from exploring!” (May 2017)


Lindsey: If you would, just start by telling me your full names and a little bit about yourselves.

Brady: I like to… explore the world and experience as many cultures as possible. I love video games. I’m a nerd. If I have time and I’m not doing something else I’m probably playing a video game. And I enjoy music. I group in band; marching band, jazz band… I’ve played trombone and guitar. And… I don’t know what else to say.

Lindsey: Carlie?

Carlie: I like flowers, I like gardening.

Jackson: What’s your favorite flower?

Carlie: That’s too hard.

Brady: What day of the week is it?

Carlie: Yeah. Depends how I’m feeling. So yeah, I like gardening. I like art. I enjoy film, graphic designing, painting and drawing… which, I don’t do that as much anymore. But I enjoy it a lot. Traveling, definitely… that whole saying, “I haven’t been there but it’s on my list” is… cliche in that you hear it all the time, but it’s extremely accurate in that I just really want to go everywhere. There’s not one place that I want to go next, it’s more of a “Where can I get to the fastest?”

Brady: Or “What can we afford?”

“We occasionally take “Follow Me To…” photos. This is us hiking out of Hawksbill Crag – we night hiked in and then spent time exploring and hiked out during the day the next day! This was actually before we were married, not even engaged yet, this was the trip Brady wanted to propose on but the ring wasn’t ready yet! I (Carlie) had no idea.” September 2016
“These were our favorite cliffs, from Ireland! Brady still talks about these Ballybunion Cliffs! It was a tiny coastal town and too early in the season (April) for it to be crowded yet. There were a few people with dogs, others playing football (soccer) and us. And that was it! We walked around on the beach, watched a rainstorm blow in and then waited it out, and then we did the cliff walk as the sun was setting!”

World Travels

Lindsey: So, as a couple, where all have you been?

Brady: Within the U.S…. Colorado, Arkansas, Missouri. Outside the country, together… New Zealand, Ireland, England (specifically London), France (specifically Paris), and Mexico. In the two years since marriage.

“Hiking in sand is not easy! We took a whirlwind road trip to Colorado for Labour Day (2017) and made a stop at The Great Sand National Park! Here we stopped to take a rest and couldn’t resist snapping our Chaco feet, Sand Dunes, and mountains in the background! Brady had been there before but I (Carlie) never had and I was really shocked by nature and how crazy it all formed!”

Lindsey: Nice.

Carlie: We just like to travel. We don’t really have the money, we just-

Brady: We do, it’s just instead of spending money on a new TV or new whatever, we choose to spend our money exploring and… mostly on plane tickets.

Lindsey: I think that’s important to bring up because a lot of people wonder how other people manage to afford traveling. But it’s important, I think, to realize that everyone spends their money in different ways and if you are intentional about it you can totally make your travel dreams a reality.

“We often hear “don’t forget to really enjoy where you are instead of just capturing everything” and we totally understand this. Really taking time to be where you are and soaking up the moment. But, we are also passionate about film and photography and really love capturing where we are. They won’t ever do the real places justice but part of the experience is in filming or photographing it! So, this was a really cool sunset – very vibrant on the buildings and I took a picture of Brady documenting that moment! It wasn’t an intending location we were just wandering around Dublin and then were blown away by this spot we stumbled upon!” (Ireland 2018)

Carlie: Yeah, I was having a conversation with a friend recently and said, “Anything we have extra… travel, it goes to travel.”

Brady: Sometimes our friends might ask if we want to go do something and we often say, “No, we don’t really have the money for that.” Then I have to clarify myself, “It’s not that I don’t have the money and don’t want to spend it on that, but we’re making a conscious choice not to spend money on certain things because we want to invest our money into travels.” We have a savings account specifically dedicated to traveling and at the end of the month if we have anything left over it goes into that account.

Same at home, we have a little box and if we have any spare change or any extra cash, maybe we paid for someone’s meal and they paid us back in cash, it goes in there. Then we pretend like we don’t have it and it will build up pretty quickly. So we do make it a conscious effort to forgo some things, some luxuries that I’m sure many other twenty-somethings enjoy… like having a house that isn’t a construction site.

“We are remodeling our house so we can sell it and break away from the traditional molds of life (in the USA) and live our travel/exploring dreams! The house was built in the 70s and had popcorn ceilings…they have been scrapped so this is the re-mudding process because we texture! It is a back and shoulders workout.”

Funding and Travel-Hacking

Before they started dating, Brady bought a house with the sole intention of remodeling it. Carlie had every intention of hiking the AT when they met, so they’ve combined skills and hard work in order to flip the house and make some money to live on when they head hike together in 2020.

Brady: So flipping the house is one thing that will help fund our travels for next few years.

Carlie: Also, I have a knack for finding cheap flights.

Lindsey: Well then we need to talk a lot more. What’s your number one tip for finding a cheap flight?

Carlie: Don’t have set expectations. Have some flexibility set in. Maybe have a location, or a time and not a location. So, pick one thing, and then be flexible with the other half. Say you want to go to Mexico, but it doesn’t matter too much when. Give yourself enough time to ask off work, but focus on the destination and not specific dates.

Lindsey: Do you have a recommended site?

Carlie: Yeah. A bunch. So, Scott’s Cheap Flights. I check Kayak a lot. Student Universe. And Sky Scanner is really great for finding cheap dates or cheap locations because you can do a broad, everywhere search. You can type where you’re leaving from and leave the rest blank. But I recommend just searching through them, and just using it as a place to start because you can usually find tickets cheaper elsewhere.

Lindsey: I think that’s something else a lot of people don’t realize… you have to be….

Carlie: Flexible…

Lindsey: Yeah, and diligent.

Carlie: Exactly. If you’re planning a trip you have to check frequently. If money isn’t an issue you can spring for set dates and places, but if you want to do it more affordably you have to be flexible. You have to be diligent and check often.

“This is a strange one, but I (Carlie) take pictures of my feet, everywhere we go! I call if my “Travel Project” – it is funny because I hate feet but I do this. It is something about capturing and being grateful for all of the places our feet carry us. There are always views to see when we look out but a lot of times we take for granted where our feet have been so this is my way of remembering that and documenting it! This was at the National Botanic Gardens Ireland. I also always take pictures of flowers so this is a great photo that captures two things I photograph a lot!”

“Not Lost”

Jackson: I see you guys have matching tattoos… Can you tell us a little about that?

Carlie: Yeah, it says, “All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost,” which is from Lord of the Rings. I did this art… I wanted a map right here for a long time. Then we got them matched with the quote and had it done while in New Zealand. We’re nerds, but, it’s also just a good reminder. The things gold, or riches, or whatever you chase aren’t necessarily what they appear and aren’t necessarily your time best spent.

Brady: And the newest, latest, flashiest… aren’t where our hearts are. Our hearts are things that maybe aren’t so flashy.

Carlie: Our hearts are actually more in the wandering aspect, not because we’re lost… I mean, everyone goes through a lost period but it’s more… our desire, I guess?

Lindsey: I think that’s an important thing to touch on here because the idea around the blog is about feeling lost but to help people see that that’s okay. So just because you don’t know what’s next doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Just because you’re moving around unsure of where you’re headed (wandering), doesn’t mean you’re lost as a… a soul.

“The highlight of our Honeymoon…going to Hobbiton! We did the dinner tour experience and ate like Hobbits! It was amazing and is definitely both of our favorite things we have done! Not really sure how to top it! This picture is before dinner, when we stopped by Bilbo’s house!” (May 2017)

It’s okay to wander, it doesn’t mean you’re lost. It’s okay to be in-between.

Carlie: I think we learn a lot more about ourselves in those times when we aren’t certain. It’s not easy… I know its been harder for me this year because we’re coming into the last year of living in Tulsa and in our house before we sell everything to hike the Appalachian Trail. And it’s been really hard for me to be in the moment.

Jackson: So why did you want to hike it in the first place?

Carlie: It was one of those things I always dreamed about but never talked about because I’m a girl and I wanted to do it by myself. So I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want to feel their judgement… And I don’t know when that first came to mind. I don’t remember. But, I read Wild. I realized this was a dream I’d had for so long and hadn’t told anyone because I was scared. I felt like my dream wasn’t normal. But reading that gave me the confidence to say that this was something I wanted to do.

Lindsey: So, why would you say that you like traveling?

“I (Carlie) have a weird deep love of old graveyards/cemeteries. This is Drum Monastic Site. A bunch on the older graves are from the Great Famine in the 1840s. This church had, what we would call a soup kitchen, and they would feed the surrounding community, as best they could. When I walk around in these places it is like I can feel all of the lives that came before me. I understand them and feel it all. You can see me wandering around (in this photo) looking and reading what headstones are still legible. Brady knows this love of mine so he always tries to find places like this because he knows I will enjoy them!”

Carlie: We both grew up traveling… as I get older, I’ve started to realize how small I am and how small my bubble is in comparison to the world; to the state, to the country, to the entire planet. And so, I don’t want to just know the one culture I grew up in. I want to experience as many as I can. I feel like, if you don’t travel and you only know the one thing, you’re missing out because the world is big and there’s just a lot out there.

Lindsey: What’s you’re advice for someone feeling “in-between” and asking themselves “Why am I here? What am I supposed to do now?”

Brady: I’m someone asking myself those questions… That’s probably the reason I want to go walk the AT. I spent a lot of years in school and then got a job I’ve realized I hate So now I’m asking those questions, “What do I do next? What are my passions? How can I use those passions to help society? How do I make a living out of doing that?” I don’t know. That’s what we have to figure out.

“This was our first ever friends vacation! We went to Sayulita, Mexico for our friends, Scott and Zach’s, wedding! We couldn’t resist having someone take our picture when we are all dressed up and the sun is setting and the view is beautiful! (No, Brady didn’t wear shorts to the wedding – all the guys changed into shorts after the ceremony because Hello, Mexico in June!)” June 2018

Lindsey: That’s good! That’s my point! Especially in the age of social media it seems we’re all trying to say we’ve got it together, that we have it figured out. And we just don’t. No one does.

Carlie: Yeah. That’s what you see everywhere. It looks like everyone else has it together. But we have to remember that if that’s true, you didn’t see the process. You didn’t see how they got there. You’re seeing their end result. And, most of the time that’s not true, they’re probably still figuring it out too. And that’s okay.

I can’t quite express how grateful we are to have met this couple or how glad we are that they agreed to this interview! Check out more of their adventure and travel inspiration over on their blog: Happy Go Londons.

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