I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my head that I would start a blog. It would be a mashup of things; running, outdoor adventures, traveling, and transitioning into adulthood. Ideas are cool, and often they are very grandeur while still playing like little movie montages inside our heads. I had a great picture in my head of its potential and a somewhat plan formulated for getting started; more ideas. But thinking about doing something is a long way off from actually doing it. I took something I learned from distance running and decided to apply it: the first step is usually the hardest, and if I can just start, it usually gets better. Usually.

So, I’m going to stop simply thinking about it. I’m going to do it. I’m going to take that first step, and build on it.

This blog is not because I believe I have compelling, fascinating thoughts that should be shared with the world, nor because I am an expert on anything and want to share my knowledge to an expectant audience. It’s an experiment. I’m writing from a place of happiness, frustration, learning and a continual state of confusion about the world, people, circumstances and events. I’m putting my voice out there because I think that we can learn a lot from each others experiences. Maybe only those close to me will read, but hopefully they will learn some things about me. Maybe I’ll write to an empty audience, but hopefully my thoughts and experiences will become clearer to me.

I don’t yet know my end goal. Perhaps it will look like the idea in my head. Perhaps it will turn into something different. Maybe it will just keep the boredom I’ve experienced since graduating college at bay. I don’t know where this will go, only that I need to take the first step.

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